Securing Whole School Impact through Schoot Training

CPD Leader Monitoring the Impact of ‘On Demand’ Training on Staff Practice 

Step by Step

Suggested Route through- Step by Step 

(This process guide can be adapted by schools to meet their specific needs).

Resources/ Schoot ‘help guide’ links

Before an ‘On-demand’ Training Course


  1. CPD leader to place the Whole School/ Individual CPD Plan on a school shared drive.


  1. CPD Leader to agree with staff the agreed training that all staff will attend throughout the term/year. These may link, for example, to the School Improvement Plan/ Whole School/Individual CPD Plan (see link to example Whole School/ Individual CPD Plan).


  1. Staff members can also add their own personal CPD training needs to the Whole School/ Individual CPD Pla

Whole School/ Individual CPD Plan- follow link to this document  & other resources/guides

Schoot CPD Leader resources and tools


Step 2

  1. CPD Leader enrols a staff member or a group of staff to a specific course or group of courses, with an agreed timeframe for course completion.


  1. CPD leader or staff member enters the course onto the ‘Whole School/ Individual CPD Plan’ spreadsheet as an on-going record of professional development.

Enrolling staff and other colleagues onto courses


Whole School/ Individual CPD Plan

Step 3

  1. CPD Leader & Staff member agree a time to review together the impact of the course on the staff member’s practice when the course has been completed.


  1. The CPD leader will be aware of all the tasks that the staff member will conduct/ complete as part of the course, as there will be a task to complete at the end of each session within the course. In the example below, there will be 8 tasks that the staff member will be able to share with the CPD Leader, following course completion.


  1. CPD leader will make available the Schoot course evaluation form for completion and discussion with the staff member following the course during a ‘Professional Development Review Meeting’.

Identifying each of the sessions in a specific course can be found by clicking on ‘Courses’- ‘Browse Courses’- ‘Click here for more information’ on the desired course.



Schoot Training- Feedback Form for Schools- follow link to this document  & other resources/guides

Schoot CPD Leader resources and tools


During an ‘On-demand’ Training Course

Step 4

  1. Staff member completes the Schoot ‘on demand’ training course, either collectively with other staff through INSET/ Staff Development (Meeting) time, or at a time that suits the individual (as agreed).


  1. Staff member to complete all the sessions within the course, including the delegate tasks/ activities outlined at the end of each of the course sessions. (See the contact support button at the bottom of each page of the platform for help guides and instructions about how to get the most from the training through our ‘Route through -  step by step’ guides.  


  1. Staff members can complete their training in one ‘sitting’ or in ‘bite size’ chunks by working through the sessions and completing the associated tasks, in line with any agreed timeframes for the completion of the course.

How do I enrol on a training course



For the full range of Route through -  step by step’ guides, see link bellow:

Following Completion of an ‘On-demand’ Training Course

Step 5

  1. Staff member to complete the Schoot course ‘star rating’ and download the course certificate from the Schoot Platform, for their own CPD portfolio and Performance Management records when they have completed the course and are satisfied they have all of tasks to share with the CPD Leader (as required).


  1. Staff member to complete the ‘Schoot Training – Feedback Form for Schools’ following the training course and return this to the ‘CPD Leader’


  1. Staff member to update their own ‘Individual CPD Plan’ using Schoot’s proforma or an existing school alternative.

Collecting your certificate and providing feedback following course completion


Whole School/ Individual CPD Plan


Schoot Training- Feedback Form for Schools

Step 6

  1. CPD Leader and Staff Member to diarise a  ‘Professional Development Review Meeting’ to review the impact of the CPD training provided and invested in by the school and the staff member. The focus of these meetings will centre around:
  • A review of the tasks and activities completed by the staff member during training alongside a review of the ‘Schoot Training – Feedback Form for Schools’ completed by the staff member


  • A discussion to     help define how the training course/s attended and completed by the staff member will impact specifically on their practice. This to include a review of what staff members will change to ensure this happens, as well as an outline of further training, coaching, modelling or mentoring to be provided by leaders to ensure the agreed impact/ next steps to the staff member’s practice.


  • Staff member to bring along to the ‘Professional Development Review Meeting’: 
    1. Course tasks and completion certificate
    2. Updated / Individual CPD Plan including all up to date training 
    3. Ideas about what they wish to develop/change in their practice to improve outcomes for pupils.


CPD leader, staff member and other leaders to review the impact of the planned developments agreed in the ‘Professional Development Review Meeting’ during ongoing monitoring and evaluation activities.











Whole School/ Individual CPD Plan- follow link to this document  & other resources/guides

Schoot CPD Leader resources and tools