Completing Training Courses as a User – Step 3
Collecting your certificate and providing feedback following course completion
1. After completing the course, you will be able to collect your course certificate and complete the course evaluation
To download your training course completion certificate for your CPD portfolio, you will first need to have completed 100% of the course and tasks.
Go to your ‘Home Page’, find the ‘Your courses’ section and click on ‘View all enrolments’ and click ‘Continue course’ for the course you’d like the certificate for.
The course progress bar will need to show: 100%, (if not, go back to the course and complete any incomplete sessions).
You can see which courses aren’t completed by clicking ‘Continue course’ then clicking ‘Course syllabus’
This brings up the ‘All about this course’ page and you can see if all the sessions are ticked, this means all the sessions have been completed and that you will be able to print your certificate. (See below)
If all the sessions are ticked, click ‘Download Certificate’
This will allow you to download your certificate as a PDF (as below)
2. Leaving Schoot Feedback and Completing a feedback form for your school- click ‘Click here' to rate’ then fill in your rating and leave a ‘review’ comment and click ‘Submit review’.
(5 stars reflecting this ‘on demand’ course was useful to you- please don’t compare this training in your evaluation to ‘face to face’ training – could we please ask that you evaluate the training as an ‘on- demand’ session- as both modes of training are very different, with benefits and advantages to both. Thank you).
You can access a feedback form to be completed by course user attendees and returned to the school administrator (e.g. CPD leader, Headteacher, Curriculum leader). This form can be adpated by schools to meet their needs. To do this, go your ‘Home page’ click ‘View all enrolments’ from this page and then click ‘Download certificate’. Click to open the ‘Schoot Training- Feedback Form for Schoot’ word document.
NEXT go to Completing Training Courses- Step 4 - ‘Finding the next course to support your continuous professional development