Collaborative Group Guide for Schoot Users- Step 3
How to have conversations, share best practice and attach documents & photos
1. Within each Collaborative group there are five main features outlined earlier in this guide and identified below. In step 3 we will take you through four of these features. Later, in steps 4 & 5 of this User Guide, we will take you through the 4th feature ‘Online Meetings’
1st – You can see the Group Members who are already invited to this group.
2nd - The ongoing conversation and attachments added by group members.
3rd - The ability to ‘upload a photo’ or ‘upload a file’.
4th - You will be able to schedule and join a video conferencing session with members of the group through ‘Online Meetings’.
5th - The recent files- this is a collation of the attachments and photographs that have been added to the group.
To access your collaborative groups, go to your ‘Home page’ and find the ‘Your Collaborative Groups’ section. Click ‘Continue to group’ for the group you want to open. This will take you to the collaboration page for that group. (As in image above).
2. To start a new conversation, type into the ‘conversation box’, this message will go to all the members of the group.
Type a message to all group members and click ‘Post comment’ | If you’d like to add a file/document/ photo click ‘Upload a file’ or ‘Upload a photo this will allow you to choose your document to attach to the post.
Once you’ve attached your document or photo by clicking ‘open’ you can then click ‘post comment’ and this will be sent to all group members. You can attach multiple documents to one post.
3. Responding to another group members post can be done by typing a message into the ‘Reply to message’ box on someone else’s post. Then click ‘Post comment’. A record on any on-going thread will be kept within this specific post. You will receive a notification in your group when another member replies to your message.
NEXT go to Collaborative Groups Step 4 ‘How to set up a video conferencing session through Schoot’s ‘Online Meetings’.