Collaborative Group Guide for Schoot Users- Step 1
How to find and access your collaborative groups
1. You will have been set up on Schoot by your school administrator (usually the CPD leader/ Head teacher/ Curriculum Leader). Your name and email will have been associated with an initial group. This group will have a name that your school administrator has assigned. (It may be the name of the school as the first group).
On the Home Page find the ‘Your Groups’ section, then click on ‘Continue to group’ for the group you want to join/view (initially this may be one group until you, or other users have set up other groups).
Having clicked on the ‘Continue to group’ you will be able to view the collaborative group you have chosen.
1st - The Group Members who are already invited to this group.
2nd - The ongoing conversation and attachments added by group members.
3rd - The ability to ‘upload a photo’ or ‘upload a file’.
4th - You will be able to schedule and join a video conferencing session with members of the group through ‘Online Meetings’.
5th - The recent files- this is a collation of the attachments and photographs that have been added to the group.
2. The new collaborative group will appear on your ‘Home page’
NEXT go to Collaborative Groups Step 2 - ‘How to set up your own collaborative groups’ – follow this guide to learn how to do this.