Please watch the video below or follow the instructions further down the page.
Route through for Schoot Users – Getting Started & Familiarisation with the Platform - Follow our step by step guide
Accessing the Platform & Familiarisation (We’ll cover the detail about Training & Collaboration in the other help guides)
a. Enter your username and password in the left-hand boxes. (If you have forgotten your password, follow the procedure on the page for ‘forgot password’.
b. Check the ‘Terms of Use’ – by logging in to Schoot, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Set up your PROFILE on the Home Page
Click on ‘Update your profile’
Complete your ‘Profile Settings’ click ‘SAVE’ when finished and return to the ‘Home page’
Familiarise yourself with the Home Page (PLEASE NOTE: At this point you don’t need to start a course- we’ll take you through this later in steps 1-4 of this guide)
Training Overview
In the ‘Your Courses’ section click on the ‘View all enrolments’. You can:
Familiarise yourself with the Home Page
Collaboration- My Groups- this is a general overview and familiarisation of the features of the collaborative side of the Schoot Platform. Please see the ‘Route through for Schoot Users- Familiarisation & Collaboration’ guide. (This can be found in the ‘Contact support’ section at the bottom of each of the pages on the platform).
In the ‘Your groups’ section you can see the collaborative groups you are involved in.
All the collaborative groups you are part of- Click on ‘Continue to group’ |
Each group outlines the existing group members and the ongoing conversation between members | Recent files, photos, clips etc are automatically collated on the right-hand side of the screen. |
Help/ Support- At the bottom of your home page (and all other pages) is the ‘Contact Support’ button. You can use this to:
a) Make an enquiry or ask a question through the ‘New Support Ticket’, we’ll get back to you with a response. In the interim, look in the ‘knowledge base and FAQs’, your answer may already be there.
b) Access the ‘Knowledge Base’ which is a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) as well as useful guides for how to use the Schoot Platform. See below for examples.
When you have finished on the ‘Knowledge Base’, close the ‘Support’ tab at the top of your computer screen and return to your Schoot ‘Home’ tab.
Now you have completed your familiarisation of the Schoot Platform- Go to STEP 1: ‘Collaborative Groups- How to find and access your collaborative groups.’
Or alternatively: Go to STEP 1- ‘Training Courses- How to enrol on a Schoot Training Courses’