Please watch the video below or follow the step by step instructions further down this page.
Schoot subscriptions are school-based, there are no individual subscriptions available currently. So, to add a colleague to the platform, the school must have a subscription to Schoot and can then invite colleagues onto the platform.
Each additional user added to the school subscription will need a corresponding user license. If the school has available licenses in the school subscription then the next available license will be used, if all the licenses have already been used, Schoot will ask you if you want to add another license to your school subscription. This will amend your billing proportionally.
To add a colleague to the platform, click on 'Workplace' from the top menu:
and then make sure that you are on the 'My School' page:
In the example above, the subscription is for 44 total users, and so far 10 of those have been assigned to this schools staff.
To add a new colleague onto the platform, you must be the administrator of your school's Schoot subscription and will see the 'Invite a colleague to your school profile' button as shown above. Click this and follow the onscreen instructions. You will need to do this for each user you wish to add to the platform and will need the email address of each colleague you wish to add.
After you have invited a new user to the platform, they will receive an email with a link for them to click on to register for Schoot. Once they do this and log onto the platform, you will be able to collaborate with them.
You will be able to see the invitation status of each colleague you have invited to the platform on the right hand side of the school page. In the below example, the new user hasn't yet clicked the link they will have received in their email.
If the user hasn't received the email from Schoot after you have invited them, ask them to check their junk folder. You can also resend the invitation from the menu made available by clicking on the three dots next to their name: